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Does eating out bring people to Christ?

Does eating out bring people to Christ?

Last Thursday we as a church attempted something that we’ve never done before: we rented a really nice restaurant in Tara (it was the ONLY restaurant in Tara 🙂 ) and invited a bunch of unsaved friends and acquaintances to come and share a meal with us. After a brief Music program brother Roman got up to preach a very clear Gospel message. Out of 35 unsaved guests, 15 prayed to receive Christ! We’ll be following up on all of our guests to help them make the next step in their journey of faith.

What about you? In this culture of being glued to our smartphones, tablets and computers we rarely take a moment to speak face-to-face with those around us. Moreover, it’s very rare to sit down for a meal with someone for an hour or two and really get to know one another. My teens would call this “retro”. Will you invite someone to share a meal with you for the purpose of introducing that person to Christ or encouraging them in their walk with Him? You never know how God can use a simple meal for His glory!

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