Discover How God is Working in Siberia, RUSSIA
We invite you to partner with us to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord:
Our VISION to reach Russia for Christ:
The Local Church is the answer, so we are prioritizing planting churches in strategic areas (such as large cities and county seats). Church planters that we trained with help from supporters like you have started 3 churches in the past 6 years, and by God's grace we are diligently working toward 1o more churches in our region within next 10 years.
As I mentioned above we need more local Baptist churches. However, before a church can be planted, there needs to be qualified and experienced church planters, pastors, Christian leaders, youth workers, etc. to do the work of the ministry. Thanks to you, these men and women are trained through godly biblical teaching and rigorous "hands on" internships in local churches. We aim to multiply our ministry expertise and the burden for Russian people in national leaders.
Of course, all of the above is not the end goal in and of itself. The heart of our ministry is evangelism. In a country, such as Russia, it is not difficult to find people who need the Lord. However, reaching them is not easy. At times, there are great distances to traverse, cultural and religious barriers to cross (there are 168 ethnic groups in Russia, and beliefs ranging from buddhism islam, judaism, animism and everything in between) as well as general reluctance to make a spiritual decision. Thanks to your fervent prayers, God opened many doors to public schools, orphanages, hospitals and other areas where people are open to the Gospel!

Your continued support allows us to take these practical steps to
make this vision a reality
For the past 2 years we were laying groundwork in Kolosovka - a county seat and the home to over 10,000 people by faithfully holding services there every Sunday afternoon. There are several faithful believers and seekers who come with their children. We are getting ready to officially organize a church there, as well as start planting seeds in another county seat of Sedelnikovo.
We teach our members that each and every one of them is a witness and a representative for the Lord. As such, their jobs, neighborhoods and even hobbies and vacations are mission fields that God has called them to. Utilizing our members' unique gifts, personalities and connections allows our church to influence, serve and be a blessing to our community on a much deeper level.
It is estimated that there are 12 Million people with special needs in Russia. That's roughly 1 out every 12 people. But if you add relatives-caregivers, the number affected by disabilities swells much higher. By comparison, families with special needs are the largest and the most receptive "people group" in Russia and beyond. We've seen God honoring fruit from the ministry to people with special needs.
planting local churches is the heartbeat of our ministry
... likewise, we are extremely focused on community involvement
serving people with special needs and their families

Because in the end, ministry is people.

Maria started coming to the meetings for Moms with special needs kids that were led by my wife. She appreciated the encouragement and support she received not only from moms, but also from members of the church. Of course, she heard the Gospel and soon she gave her heart to the Lord.
Maria - Mom of a child with special needs

Fedor had been a rascal. Growing up without a good influence from his dad, Fedor had his fair share of trouble, including drugs, prison, and nearly dying once. Then, at the age of 28, the Lord redeemed him. After getting saved, Fedor spent a year in a rehabilitation center at a Baptist church in Omsk, which served to disciple him, strengthen his faith, and transform him into a soul-winner.
Fedor - Ministry Student

Roma grew up without a mom or a dad. Imagine his joy when someone from the church introduced him to Jesus and Roma learned just how much he is truly loved! Since then, he comes to every service and sings specials that touch people's hearts. Even though he has a disability, he doesn't let it stop him from serving the Lord!
Roma - God's very special son
“I have seen, at different times, the smoke of a thousand villages — villages whose people are without Christ, without God, and without hope in this world.”

Robert Moffat
Missionary to Africa
P.S. One of the things that you can do to help us continue to reach Russians for Christ, disciple converts, train Christian leaders and plant Baptist churches is by sharing our message with those you know (below) and by leaving us a testimonial.
Copyright 2018, Vladimir Lukyanov ministry in Siberia, RUSSIA. Sent by Bible Baptist Church, Alva OK